March 7, 2015

Less Is More

Sometimes, less CAN be more!
When some think about fashion, they tend to
think that their outfit should feature 
everything that exist on the planet, rings, necklaces bracelets hair accessories, a hat, a trendy jacket and the list goes on. 
Don't get me wrong, it's quite nice to feel luxurious and well dressed, but it is also allowed to tone it down a bit and wear just a few simple things and work it out, you don't need a lot or /expensive things to rock it remember that your attitude and confidence are the keys to the perfect outfit! 

Cardigan, top, jeans : H&M
Shoes : Louis Vuitton
Bag : Vintage

Sweater : H&M
Jeans : Monki
Shoes : Mango 

xx Alice & Tyra

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